Users can be added or removed on the Agency Admin screen and will appear in one of three statuses.
Active Users
Active users are ones that have created an account, logged in, and have an active subscription.
Invited Users
Invited Users are ones that have been invited to join the agency but have not set their password yet.
Invited users will be added to your subscription total and billed, so you'll want to remind these users to sign in and start using their subscription as soon as possible.
If a user cannot find their invite email, please check their email address is correct (three dots on the right, edit user), and if the email address is correct, have them just hit the reset password link on the AgencyRoot login page.
Inactive Users
Inactive Users are typically agents that have their policies in AgencyRoot but do not need an account themselves. This is often used for processors that process multiple agents' business and are using AgencyRoot for their own purposes and the agent doesn't use it.
Inactive users can also be used for users that are away for an extended period of time (extended vacations or maternity leave as examples).
AgencyRoot has three important levels that determine access to contacts. Permissions and access to contacts can be managed on the Contact Access link at the bottom of the Contact information panel, and the Agency Admin and Agency Employee roles are assigned in User Management.
Primary Agent
The primary agent assigned to a contact will always have access to that contact. The primary agent will default to the person creating the contact.
So if a processor is creating a prospect, you'll want to make sure to change the primary agent.
Agency Admin Role
Agency Admins always have access to all information for the agency, including all contacts. The agency admin also has the ability to customize the agency settings.
Agency Employee Role
As an agency employee, only contacts where the employee is the primary agent OR where they have been manually given access will be visible. To manually grant access to an Agency Employee use the Contact Access window on the Contact page.