
AgencyRoot allows your office to store, send, sign (via eSignature), manage, and create action items for any and all of your documents, including customer and policy data.

Where to Add, Access, and Manage Documents

There are three places in AgencyRoot where you can add, access, and manage documents.

Contact/Entity Documents Tab

  • A Contact Document should be those pertaining more generally to the contact, prospect, or customer, not the policy itself. Popular documents among our customers found here can include written agreements, power to sign or power of attorney certificates, 578s, or anything else pertaining to a contact or entity.

Individual Policy Documents Tab

  • These documents should be specific to the policy, such as an application, declaration, production report, or claims document. These will all be stored within the policy itself on AgencyRoot, accessible via the documents tab.

Documents Dashboard

  • This dashboard will provide you with a view of all Documents that have been uploaded to the platform. Use the filter on the lefthand side of the screen to help you find a specific set of documents that you wish to review.

  • The filter (highlighted in yellow) is useful to narrow down from a long list of documents. Sort by document, agent, contact/entity, company, or attached policy.

  • You can now also search for Policies that are missing specific Documents - providing another layer of processing protection. To do so, make sure you have the “Missing Policy Documents” tab selected.

    • By selecting the 3Dot action button you can do other Document functions from your Missing Document tab.

      • Add - upload the document to the specific policy listed

      • Create Task - send yourself a reminder or add a Task to a coworkers Task Dashboard

      • View policy - head to the related policy’s details page


How to Add Documents

You can Upload, Add, and even send documents from either the Contact/Entity Documents Tab, the Policy Documents tab, or the Documents Dashboard.

We’ve recently released the ability to create electronic signatures (eSignatures) for your documents. You can learn more about that process here: eSignatures

Adding From the Contact/Entity Document Tab or Policy Document Tab:

  • Select the Green Add Button

  • Select the Document Type


Document Types are created by the Agency Admin

  • Drag and Drop - or - Select File and Upload it


  • Select the “Add imported name as description” box if you’d like to capture the Name of the document as it’s currently saved.

  • Provide an optional description of the document

    • If you Selected the “Add imported name as description” box this will be pre-filled.

    • If you did not select the “Add imported name as description” you can type in this box a brief description of the document for reference on the Document dashboard.

  • Select your next Action

    • Save Document - Your document will be uploaded to the platform.

    • Save & Send - Your Document will be uploaded to the system and you will be prompted to “Send” the document via email to a recipient.

      • Depending on where you are uploading your document (Contact, Policy, Document dashboards) you will have the option of selecting “prefilled” email address or selecting “Other” and typing in your email recipient’s address.

      • Select the Email provider you use:

        • Available options are as follows

          • Apple Mail

          • Gmail

          • Outlook

          • Office 365

      • Select your Action

        • Create Email - finishes the Document upload process and Generates the email to your recipient.

        • Create Email & Follow-Up - finishes the Document upload process, Generates the email to your recipient, and creates a Task.

  • Save & Sign - Your Document will be uploaded to the system and you will be prompted to start the eSignature process. To learn more about the eSignature process please click the link below.

Adding From the Documents Dashboard

  • Under the Missing Documents tab select the 3 Dot Action icon

  • Follow the Add new Document flow above

Editing Documents

Once a document is uploaded you will have the ability to edit the document using the 3Dot Action item next to the Document.

  1. View - This allows you to open and view the document so you can View, Download, or re-save the document.

  2. Edit - This allows you to edit the document details or update the document by replacing it with another version.

    1. Select the 3 dot action item next to the document you wish to Replace and select Edit

    2. You can make edits to your previously uploaded document.

      1. Update Document Type

      2. Replace the previous document with an updated or new version

      3. Update the Description

      4. Update the Document Status

  3. eSignature allows you to edit your document by adding and requesting electronic signatures.

    1. Please see the eSignatures process for more details.

  4. Share - This allows you to send your uploaded document via email to an email recipient.

  5. Create Task - This allows you to create a Task for yourself or a team member from the Document

  6. History - Allows you to view the History of the document from initial download to any updates.

    1. Select the 3 dot action item next to the document you wish to view and select “History”

  7. Delete Document - This allows you to permanently remove the document. Please note if you need assistance recovering deleted documents by mistake message

Document Admin

Any user in AgencyRoot can be set up as a document admin by another user in your agency with access to Agency Admin.

When selected, the user will have access to the Manage Document Types screen, which provides them with the ability to add, edit, or delete Document Types and Document Sweep settings.




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